zondag 21 januari 2007


“All the doors you have yet seen –and you haven’t seen many –were doors in; here you come upon a door out! The strange thing to you,” he went on thoughtfully, “will be, that the more doors you go out the farther you get in!”
“Oblige me by telling me where I am.”
“That is impossible. You know nothing about whereness. The only way to come to know where you are is to begin make yourself at home.”

Uit Lilith van George McDonald

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

“There is no harm in being afraid. The only harm is in doing what Fear tells you.
Fear is not your master! Laugh in his face and he will run away.”

"Turn your back on fear, and your face to whatever may come.
Give yourself up to the night, and you will rest indeed.
Harm will not come to you, but a good you cannot foreknow."

ook uit Lilith van George McDonald

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Dank je wel, papa...